Aloha PicksThe first weekend of May is an important time for me. Each year I make plans to attend
Camp Aloha as a volunteer. And each year I return home exhausted but profoundly moved by the  experience.

Our Full Circle bereavement counselors and a small army of volunteers gently guide 60 or 70 children in facing their grief. They may be at Camp because of the death of a sibling or the murder of a parent – but whatever the reason, it is deeply healing to know that they are not alone. There is community in knowing that every one else has felt the same anger, the same isolation and  loneliness, and experienced the same confusion.

I am greatly honored to play a small part in the healing of these children.

Tune in to Wednesday’s Mid-Morning Live on WTOC  to hear bereavement counselor Holland Morgan explain more or click here.