Project Sherpa is a one of a kind program available through Hospice Savannah’s Edel Caregiver Institute.

Project Sherpa consists of a number of retired physicians who volunteer to meet caregivers and their care recipient at their medical appointments with the consent of their attending physician.

The role of the medical sherpa is to clarify what the attending physician tells the patient and ask pertinent questions the patient may not think to ask.

If there is a treatment decision to be made, the sherpa explains the treatment options to the patient, but does not offer to make the decision.

The goal is to help the care recipient to “climb the medical mountain”
— hence the name “sherpa,”.

Who does the program serve?
Anyone currently seeing a medical professional for treatment.

What does it cost?
The Sherpa health professionals volunteer their services entirely free of charge.  Project Sherpa is a program of the Edel Caregiver Institute which is funded by grants and personal funding.

Why would I call for this kind of help?
Whether you have recently received a medical diagnosis or actively receiving treatment, the Sherpa serves as your advocate when communicating with medical professionals. We are there to listen, interpret, and ask the questions you may not know to ask.  The Sherpa supports the care recipient and the family in navigating what can otherwise be an overwhelming situation.
**Please allow at least one week’s notice between requesting a Sherpa and the actual medical appointment. Thank you.


No one needs to feel alone. We’re here to help. Just call.

For more information or to request a medical interpreter, please contact the Edel Caregiver Institute at 912.629.1331
or email

All information provided is used to assess your needs as a caregiver and personal facts will be kept strictly confidential. Non-personal information will be used for grant-writing purposes to obtain funding to help keep our services at reasonable, reduced, or no cost.